Rename a Proxmox Host

Rename a Proxmox Host

Category : How-to

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Renaming a Linux server’s hostname is usually a trivial task, and that’s no Different to a Proxmox server providing it’s not part of a cluster. If your machine is in a cluster then things get a bit more complicated and that’s a blog subject for another day.

For a single node machine it’s simple – Proxmox is Debian under the hood so simply follow the usual Debian process:

Change the hostname file to contain your new hostname

vi /etc/hostname

To save having to restart, you can also run the hostname command to implement the change on a running machine. Otherwise you’ll need to reboot your server to pick up the change.

hostname [NEW_HOSTNAME]

Next, edit your /etc/hostname file and change all occurrences of the old hostname with the new one.

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