Proxmox 5.0 Beta 2 is Now Available

Proxmox 5.0 Beta 2 is Now Available

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proxmox logo gradThe Proxmox VE team have released a new BETA version of their 5.0 branch to the public.

Proxmox 5.0 beta 1 was released recently, and now the team have released the 2nd beta fixing numerous bugs.

  • Based on Debian Stretch
  • Kernel 4.10
  • Updated qemu 2.9 that supports nested virtualization
  • New Ceph Luminous (12) which is the next LTS.

You can download the ISO from their download site and install it onto a new machine. You can also upgrade an existing Proxmox 4.x release to the new 5.0 release following these instructions.

It’s worth noting that the Proxmox team state that any BETA version of release 5.0 will be upgradeable to the full 5.0 when it’s available through apt.

As this is a BETA version, it’s not recommended in a production environment and should only be used for testing.

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Proxmox 4.0 Has Been Released

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proxmox logo gradThe Proxmox VE team have released the latest version of Proxmox VE, Proxmox VE 4.0.

There are some pretty big changes in Proxmox version 4 which really warrant the new 4.0 version increment. See my other blog post on the initial 4.0 BETA 1 release notes for the bigger picture, or the below bullet points for the latest changes.

  • Improvements to the new container engine based on LXC, especially the integration into the storage model.
  • Migration path from OpenVZ to LXC
  • Linux Kernel 4.2
  • Ceph Server packages (0.94.x – hammer release)
  • Embedded NoVNC console
  • Improved IPv6 support
  • Redesigned HA
  • Countless bug fixes

You can download the ISO from their download site and install it onto a new machine.

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Proxmox 4.0 Beta 2 is Now Available

Category : Tech News

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proxmox logo gradThe Proxmox VE team have released a new BETA version of their 4.0 branch to the public.


There are some pretty big changes in Proxmox v4 which really warrant the new 4.0 version increment. See my other blog post on the initial 4.0 BETA 1 release notes for the bigger picture, or the below bullet points for the latest changes.

  • Improvements to the new container engine based on LXC, especially the integration into the storage model.
  • Migration path from OpenVZ to LXC
  • Linux Kernel 4.2
  • Ceph Server packages (0.94.x – hammer release)
  • Embedded NoVNC console
  • Improved IPv6 support
  • Countless bug fixes

You can download the ISO from their download site and install it onto a new machine. Unfortunately, because it’s still a BETA product there is no upgrade path from 3.4. I’d expect this to change in the near future.

It’s worth noting, however, that the website states that any BETA version of release 4.0 will be upgradeable to the full 4.0 when it’s available.

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Proxmox 4.0 Beta 1 is Now Available

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proxmox logo gradThe latest release of Proxmox VE has entered it’s first BETA today with the release of Proxmox VE 4.0 BETA 1.

It’s the first public release of version 4.0 and comes with some pretty big changes!

HA Clusters are now configured using the Proxmox Web GUI and don’t require separate fencing kit – it’s provided out of the box. It’s about time, in my opinion, as plenty of other software manages HA without 3rd party processes to tell you what’s up and what’s down. This is a very welcome addition to any small Proxmox Cluster.

Linux Containers will replace OpenVZ as the Proxmox VE container solution. As you’d expect, LXCs will work with the usual Storage plugins offered by Proxmox, although Sheepdog, Ceph, iSCSI, DRBD and GlusterFS will be in a future release.

There are some other updates, such as the latest DRBD9 packages are shipped, and the whole thing runs on the latest Debian release, Debian Jessie 8.1.

You can download the ISO from their download site and install it onto a new machine. Unfortunately, because it’s still a BETA product there is no upgrade path from 3.4. I’d expect this to change in the near future.

It’s worth noting, however, that the website states that any BETA version of release 4.0 will be upgradeable to the full 4.0 when it’s available.

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New Proxmox BETA – now with Ceph

Category : Tech News

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ceph-tab-proxmoxProxmox has just released a new feature to the Proxmox VE software – Ceph integration. It is currently in BETA and available to test from the pvetest repository.

Ceph is a distributed storage engine which is designed to work over many nodes to provide resilient, highly available storage.

You will need to add the pvetest repository to your Proxmox installation by adding the below line to your apt sources file.

vi /etc/apt/sources.list

You may only need to add pvetest if you already have an entry similar to below. If not, add the full line to the bottom of the file. debian wheezy pvetest

The set up and installation of Ceph is detailed on my Ceph storage on Proxmox blog post.

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