Docker Compose File For Watchtower

Docker Compose File For Watchtower

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Watchtower is a docker container that will update the version of other running containers. You can change the environment settings as required for your installation – see the full documentation for more info.

version: '3'

    image: containrrr/watchtower
    restart: always
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro
      - "com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable=true"

Create a new directory and save the above file inside it as docker-compose.yml.

mkdir watchtower
cd watchtower
vi docker-compose.yml

Run docker-compose up -d to fetch the image from the docker hub and create your Watchtower instance. By default, Watchtower will check for updates every 24 hours from the moment you start the Watchtower container. You’ll now need to add labels to your docker containers that you’d like to update which is described below.

Update Containers

The above docker-compose file will get Watchtower up and running but in it’s current state it won’t update any of your existing docker containers. The above docker-compose file is safe by default so that it won’t do anything other than update itself – arguably useless, but safe!

To update your other docker containers you need to add a label to their docker-compose file that sets com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable=true. Watchtower will then pick up that label and know that it needs to include that docker container (or service) in it’s updates.

The below is a random docker-compose file that I use to run a database for development work. I’ve added a labels attribute and set the parameter that Watchtower looks for when running it’s update routine. For your containers to be included in Watchtowers update routine you’ll need to add the same labels attribute to ALL of your docker-compose services, just like in the below example – its a simple copy and paste.

version: '3.6'

        image: mysql:5.7
        restart: unless-stopped
          - ./data/mysql:/var/lib/mysql
          - ./config/mysql/conf.d:/etc/mysql/conf.d
            MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: password
            MYSQL_DATABASE: db1
            MYSQL_USER: db1
            MYSQL_PASSWORD: password
            - "com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable=true"

Once you’ve added the labels attribute, simply wait for a new image to be released and within 24 hours your container will have been updated, restarted and the old image removed (as long as it’s not used elsewhere).

Proxmox 5.0 is now available

Category : Tech News

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proxmox logo gradToday, the Proxmox VE team have released a new version of Proxmox, incrementing the major version to 5.0!

The new version packs in a raft of new features, the headline being the new Replicated Storage feature which enables batch style synchronisation of local storage volumes across servers.

You can download the ISO from

Highlights of the 5.0 release:

  • Based on Debian Stretch 9.0
  • Kernel 4.10.15
  • QEMU 2.9
  • LXC: update to 2.0.8
  • New asynchronous Storage Replication feature (needs ZFS, technology preview)
  • New/updated LXC templates (Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, Fedora, OpenSUSE, Arch Linux, Gentoo and Alpine)
  • Updated/improved noVNC console]
  • Ceph v12.1.0 Luminous (technology preview), packaged by Proxmox
  • Live migration with local storage
  • GUI improvements
    • USB und Host PCI address visibility
    • improved bulk and filtering options
  • Improved installation ISO
  • Importing Qemu/KVM_Virtual_Machines#_importing_virtual_machines_from_foreign_hypervisors
  • Improved reference documentation with screenshots
  • Countless bug fixes and package updates


Before updating, make sure all your VM’s have been stopped, both LXC and KVM. Ensure you have the required repository entries for apt. You’ll either need a valid license key or to add the less stable pve-no-subscription repository.

Update your apt for Debian, edit /etc/apt/sources.list and replace it with:

deb stretch main contrib

# security updates
deb stretch/updates main contrib

And your Proxmox repository source /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pve-enterprise.list to the below. See Proxmox 3.1 package/ updates manager (this also works for version 5.x) for more information.

deb stretch pve-enterprise

Run the below commands on each server in your cluster.

apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade

Restart all Proxmox servers to complete the installation.

Proxmox 5.0 Beta 2 is Now Available

Category : Tech News

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proxmox logo gradThe Proxmox VE team have released a new BETA version of their 5.0 branch to the public.

Proxmox 5.0 beta 1 was released recently, and now the team have released the 2nd beta fixing numerous bugs.

  • Based on Debian Stretch
  • Kernel 4.10
  • Updated qemu 2.9 that supports nested virtualization
  • New Ceph Luminous (12) which is the next LTS.

You can download the ISO from their download site and install it onto a new machine. You can also upgrade an existing Proxmox 4.x release to the new 5.0 release following these instructions.

It’s worth noting that the Proxmox team state that any BETA version of release 5.0 will be upgradeable to the full 5.0 when it’s available through apt.

As this is a BETA version, it’s not recommended in a production environment and should only be used for testing.

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Proxmox 4.2 is now available

Category : Tech News

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proxmox logo gradA new version of Proxmox has been released building on the solid foundations laid down with the version 4 branch of Proxmox VE. The latest version 4.2 brings a new GUI, integration with Let’s Encrypt, updated packages and countless bug fixes.

You can download the ISO from

Highlights of the 4.2 release:

  • Based on Debian 8.4
  • New GUI using Sencha Ext JS 6
  • Let’s Encrypt support
  • Numerous LXC updates
    • Ability to add network rate limits
    • Add mount points via the GUI
    • Improved backups


Before updating, make sure all your VM’s have been stopped, both LXC and KVM. Ensure you have the required repository entries for apt-get. You’ll either need a valid license key or to add the less stable pve-no-subscription repository. See Proxmox 3.1 package/ updates manager (this also works for version 4.x) for more information.

Run the below commands on each server in your cluster.

apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade

Restart all Proxmox servers to complete the installation.

Proxmox 4.0 Has Been Released

Category : Tech News

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proxmox logo gradThe Proxmox VE team have released the latest version of Proxmox VE, Proxmox VE 4.0.

There are some pretty big changes in Proxmox version 4 which really warrant the new 4.0 version increment. See my other blog post on the initial 4.0 BETA 1 release notes for the bigger picture, or the below bullet points for the latest changes.

  • Improvements to the new container engine based on LXC, especially the integration into the storage model.
  • Migration path from OpenVZ to LXC
  • Linux Kernel 4.2
  • Ceph Server packages (0.94.x – hammer release)
  • Embedded NoVNC console
  • Improved IPv6 support
  • Redesigned HA
  • Countless bug fixes

You can download the ISO from their download site and install it onto a new machine.

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Proxmox 4.0 Beta 2 is Now Available

Category : Tech News

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proxmox logo gradThe Proxmox VE team have released a new BETA version of their 4.0 branch to the public.


There are some pretty big changes in Proxmox v4 which really warrant the new 4.0 version increment. See my other blog post on the initial 4.0 BETA 1 release notes for the bigger picture, or the below bullet points for the latest changes.

  • Improvements to the new container engine based on LXC, especially the integration into the storage model.
  • Migration path from OpenVZ to LXC
  • Linux Kernel 4.2
  • Ceph Server packages (0.94.x – hammer release)
  • Embedded NoVNC console
  • Improved IPv6 support
  • Countless bug fixes

You can download the ISO from their download site and install it onto a new machine. Unfortunately, because it’s still a BETA product there is no upgrade path from 3.4. I’d expect this to change in the near future.

It’s worth noting, however, that the website states that any BETA version of release 4.0 will be upgradeable to the full 4.0 when it’s available.

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